Privacy statement
Privacy declaration
The municipality of Wageningen and your privacy
Within the municipality we work with personal data of citizens, employees and (chain)partners. The municipality is aware and pays attention to the protection and security of personal data. The processing of personal data is necessary for the proper performance of municipal legal duties. The municipality handles personal data with care and security.
The rules for drawing up, implementing and enforcing the municipalities privacy policy are based on the Dutch law: Algemene Verordering Persoonsgegevens, and other specific policies such as Wet Basisregistratie persoonsgegevens, Telecommunicatiewet and Wet algemene bepalingen Burgerservicenummer.
On the webpage of the municipality you will find general information about how the municipality of Wageningen handles your personal data. If you have any questions, please feel free to get in contact with us:
e-mail: privacy@wageningen.nl
phone: (0317) 49 29 11