Being a cyclist in the Netherlands, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations. On crossing the rules are indicated with road markings and traffic signs. The design and priority at crossings is mostly dependant on the type of road.
Intersection with equal priority
When the two roads that cross are considered equal, the priority is also equal. This means traffic coming from the right has priority. Equal priority is indicated by a raised intersection or by the absence of priority markings. Equal priority is not indicated by a sign.
Priority intersection
When a local road (mostly mixed traffic, 30 km/h) crosses a distributor road (separated cycle infrastructure, 50 km/h), the distributor road has priority over the local road. When two distributor roads cross, one has priority over the other (indicated with a sign). Before crossing or entering a priority road you have to give right of way to traffic on the priority road. This is indicated with 'shark teeth' or in dutch called "haaientanden" markings (white priority triangles) and a traffic sign. If the priority triangles points towards you it means you must stop and give way to other traffic wich may be appraoching.

Exit construction
The crossing of a local road and distributor road can also be marked with an exit construction on the local road. The sidewalk is raised at the crossing and cars exiting or entering the local road have to give priority to all traffic on the priority road (also pedestrians). There is no sign indicating priority.

In built-up areas, if the roundabout does not have a separate cycle lane, you have to give right of way to the drivers or cyclists that are already on the roundabout. Once on the roundabout, you have the right of way. It will be easier to get on a roundabout that does have a separate cycle lane. You will usually have the right of way on the motorized traffic. This is indicated by the shark teeth markings (white priority triangles) for traffic exiting the roundabout. You may have the right of way, but it is always a good idea to check and make sure that others are giving it to you. Especially cars and trucks exiting the roundabout can easily overlook your presence. Try to have as much eye contact as possible.
The priority rules on roundabouts outside built-up areas are fairly simple: cyclists never have the right of way over the motorized traffic. This is indicated through the use of give-way road markings (white priority triangles, see photo) on the cycle lane and the traffic sign (see above). You do not have the right of way on the motorized traffic entering the roundabout nor on the traffic exiting it (roundabout near Ede).
Be especially cautious on roundabouts that have a two-way cycle track, as they can be confusing both for you as for the car drivers. They may not be expecting cyclists coming from their left! When exiting this type of roundabout, carefully indicate your intentions. This is not only cautious behaviour, but it also keeps the drivers from unnecessarily having to wait for your action.