Test your knowledge!
Are you familiar with the Dutch traffic rules? Do you feel comfortable cycling on the Dutch roads? Can you quickly decide what your position on the road should be and whether you should give right of way? Let's test your knowledge!

Question 1
No, this is not correct!
Cycle up to a point where you can turn left. Always cross in a straight line!
Indeed, this behaviour is wrong!
You should cylce up to a point where you can turn left and cross the road in a straight line!

Question 2
No, this is not correct! You have to cycle on the right side of the road.
Indeed, it is wrong to cycle on the left side of the road.

Question 3
No, this is not correct, as indicated by the sign on the right side of the road:
Indeed! The traffic sign on the right side of the road indicates that you are not allowed to cycle on this road!

Question 4
The cyclists stop and give the car right of way.
Indeed, the cyclists should stop and give the other traffic right of way! This is indicated by the shark's teeth that are painted on the road.
No, this is not incorrect! The cyclists have to stop and give right of way to the other traffic. This is indicated by the sharks' teeth!

Question 5
Yes, the cyclist should indeed stop and give the bus driver right of way!
No, this is not incorrect. The cyclist must stop and give right of way to the bus driver!

Question 6
No, this is not correct! Cyclists are not allowed to cycle on the footpath.
Indeed! The cyclist is not allowed to cycle on the footpath.

Question 7
Indeed! This is a two-way cycling path, and cyclist should cycle on the right side.
No, the situation is correct: this is a two-way cycling path and cyclists should always cycle on the right side.

Question 8
The cyclist that wants to enter the roundabout must stop for cyclists that are already on it. This is indicated by the sharks' teeth.
The image is correct: the cyclist that wants to enter the roundabout must stop for cyclists that are already on it. This is indicated by the sharks' teeth.

Question 9
You are allowed to cycle on this path.
No! This is a footpath.
Indeed! This is not a cycle path, it is footpath!

Question 10
No, this is not correct! The cyclist is cycling on the left side of the cycle path, while she should be cycling on the right side.
This is indeed incorrect!
The cyclist is cycling on the left side of the cycle path, while she should be cycling on the right side.