Bicycle lightning campaign 2022
Because the daylight hours are less in the fall and winter it's necessary to have good lightning on your bicycle. As part of the bicycle lightning campaign 'On in the dark (Aan in het Donker)' the municipality will be handing out (free) bicycle lights on 31 October. The main goal of the campaign is to stimulate cyclists to prepare for good lightning when it gets dark. Visibility is so important when you participate in traffic. There will be multiple locations where we hand out the lights. We are at the following locations between 17:00 - 21:00 pm:
- At the University Campus on the square
- On the cyclingpath in Junushof in the direction to Duivendaal
- Near student corps Ceres on the square
- On the parking spot near KF Wageningen
If you have old of broken bicycle lights we will kindly help to get rid of them.
So don't miss out and get your bicycle lights fixed!