Volunteering for Student Bike Workshop Wageningen?
Student Bike Workshop Wageningen (SBWW) is an initiative by students to repair bikes. During the weekly repair sessions on Tuesday night (18:00 – 20:00) students and employees of WUR can come with their bike to the basement of the Forum building. Enthusiastic students repair the bikes for free; only the used parts have to be paid. Since the start of SBWW, hundreds of bikes have been fixed and have been given a new life.But dark clouds are gathering around SBWW, as we are desperately in search of new volunteers. Without volunteers SBWW has to stop!
You don’t have to be an experienced bike mechanic to help at SBWW. You only have to be enthusiastic. We provide you with a nice overall and tools, and learn you the basic steps of bike reparing. Before you know it you are able to do most common fixes on our own. Being a volunteer at SBWW does not only mean fixing bikes, but also coming into contact with other students from all around the world. So do not hesitate and join a workshop on Tuesday night between 18:00 and 20:00 or send an email to studentbikeworkshopwageningen@gmail.com for more information.