New bicycle street
The redesign of the van Uvenweg is almost completed. The municiaplity is still busy with planting and in the spring grass will be sown.
In brief all the work which has been done so far: The cycle path among Pomona has been adapted, including a wider bicycle and pedestrian bridge. The above-ground waste containers have been put underground. And in the surroundings all green is maintained, including the enlargement of green space, replanting new trees such as lime, oak and elm and special tree soil is added in the nearby surroundings of existing trees. A pedestrian path runs along the bicycle street (on the side of Ruma Kitha) from Marijkeweg to the Julianstreet. And the exisiting sewage system has been replaied. The new system makes sure that rainwater returns to the soil. For some visual insights, please see this movie.
What are the rules on a bicycle street?
You may drive a maximum of 30 km per hour on a bicycle street. A bicycle street can be recognized by a red road surface and the traffic sign "Fietsstraat - Cars a guests". Cars and motorcycles need to provide space for cyclists, however, the design of a bicycle streets already enforces motorists to reduce their speed. Therefore, bicycle streets are very comfy place for cyclists to use. For more information on traffic rules and regulations check out our webpage and enjoy cycling on the new bicycle street!