Orphan bicycles
Last spring the municipality removed orphan bicycles and bike wrecks from busstations. An orphan bike is a bike that stands in the same spot for 3 months, without being used by the owner. Before bikes were removed they received a red sticker or label with the text ‘Dit voertuig is aangemerkt als zwerffiets/fietswrak’ which translates to ‘This vehicle is a orphan bicycle / bike wreck’. If, after 3 weeks, the bicycle was still at the very same spot, it was taken and registered. Bicycles are kept in stortage for 3 months to give the owner the possibility to pick it up.
So, if you left your bicycle in the same spot for a long time and it has now gone missing, please call the ‘Serviceline’ tel. (0317) 49 24 66, or contact Mr C. Seves, inspector of public space tel. (0317) 49 26 36.