Improving road safety for cyclist and pedestrians
In the municipality of Wageningen road safety for all road users is an important theme in the society. Particularly road safety which concerns vulnerable road users, cyclists, pedestrians, the elderly and children deserve extra attention.
Some residents of Wageningen asked the municipality to improve the situation for pedestrians, especially children, around a primary school located on the Nobelweg in the center of Wageningen. Together with local residents and the Dutch Safety Board (Veilig Verkeer Nederland, VVN), the municiaplity of Wageningen discussed appropriate measures.
Due to this corporation it became clear that in order to make the situation safer, not only infrastructural changes are needed, but also behavioural change of the road users is necessary. The municipality is in charge for the adjustments of the road layout. The redesign of the road will result in safer crossing points. The work of the redesign of the road will be completed this year! The behavioural measures will be taken up by the Dutch Safety Board (Veilg Verkeer Nederland, VVN) and the local residents.
In this way, the municipality keeps contributing to improve road safety for all its residents and simustaniously promotes cycling and walking.