Evidence-based knowledge: The Snifferbike
By 2030, more than 80% of the Dutch population will live in urban areas. The development and maintenance of a healthy living environment are therefore of crucial importance for the health and well-being of the people. To get a better understanding data-driven (evidence-based) knowledge is essential. Although people in the Netherlands cycle a lot, there is a shortage in valuable and usable data about cycling compared to the available data about car traffic.
The Snifferbike project started in 2018. In this pilot, cyclists were given sensors for their bikes. These sensors were used to collect data about air pollution and cycle routes. The Snifferbike sensor conducts anonymous tracking of cyclists to identify habits and determine where cycling infrastructure could be improved based on traffic patterns.
For more information about this very interesting pilot and the results please see: https://www.fiware.org/wp-content/uploads/FF_ImpactStories_SnifferBike.pdf